1-2-1 Journal Coaching

Looking for personal, intensive support to explore some of the insights and questions that have arisen from journaling?

About Journal Coaching

As an accredited coach with an MSc in Executive Coaching, I am qualified to work at depth with you. Together we can focus on what matters to you, leaving you calmer, clearer and more empowered.
Journal coaching sessions are on Zoom and can be recorded if you want to go back and revisit key points or to help you reflect and take action.
Moyra Mackie, The Journal Coach

These are some of the things that journalers have used 1-2-1 sessions for:
Working out what your personal values are and setting life goals that align with these values
Discovering how to draw boundaries with loved ones and work colleagues
Learning how to say “no” without upsetting people or becoming aggressive or defensive
Working out how to juggle home and family life so that there is some “me time”
Exploring different emotions and learning to recognise, accept and express them
Working out how to regain confidence after lockdown
Making sense of procrastination, perfectionism and people pleasing

Choose Your Coaching Option
These coaching sessions are specifically to support your personal development that is being sparked by journaling and is therefore only available to owners of Journal Safari.
If you do not own the book, or wish to explore leadership, team or career coaching, please visit my website www.moyramackie.com for more information and to book a complementary, exploratory session.
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